Code of Conduct for Help Create Families

Help Create Families - Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct outlines the values, principles, and practices we uphold to ensure a respectful, supportive, and transparent journey for everyone involved. As a valued member of our team, you are required to follow and adhere to these guidelines to help maintain the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.

Responsibilities of Referral Partners

As a Referral Partner of Help Create Families, you are expected to adhere to the following responsibilities:

  • Conduct: Referral Partners must conduct themselves with professionalism and integrity at all times when representing the Program. Any form of misconduct, including but not limited to deceptive practices, misrepresentation of the Program, or engaging in illegal activities, is strictly prohibited.
  • Representation: Referral Partners are authorized to represent the Program solely in accordance with the guidelines and materials provided by Help Create Families. Any unauthorized representations or use of the Program’s name, logo, or materials are not permitted.
  • Compliance with Laws: Referral Partners must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards while participating in the Program. Any violation of local, state, or federal laws may result in immediate termination from the Program.

Partner Conduct Policies

  • No posting in surrogacy/ egg donation groups, unless you are an experienced surrogate/egg donor
  • If posting in other groups, read and abide by all group rules
  • Keep language professional, clean, NO PROFANITY
  • Be respectful – avoid malicious, obscene statements
  • Be honest and accurate
  • Post appropriate and respectful content
  • For LinkedIn, Facebook, and any other platforms, your relationship and affiliation as a contractor, is as a Partner.
  • You are a reflection of our brand and there is a zero-tolerance for violation of these policies
  • For any personalized materials you choose to create on your own – ex: business cards, newspaper ads, etc., please send them to us at [email protected] so we can approve and help with any content. 

Misrepresentation and Fraud

  • You agree not to instruct or encourage any applicant to misrepresent their circumstances or provide inaccurate information in their application to the Help Create Families and related programs. Doing so constitutes a material violation of these Terms and Conditions and may be considered fraudulent activity by the applicants themselves.
  • Misrepresentation can include, but is not limited to: providing false or misleading information about their compensation, eligibility, medical conditions, financial situation, or other relevant details.
  • Such actions not only compromise the integrity of the program and potentially deprive truly deserving families of support, but also expose our organization and legal team to unnecessary risk and workload. We are committed to operating with the highest ethical standards and ensuring only eligible individuals benefit from the program.
  • Therefore, instructing applicants or other referral partners to provide inaccurate information is grounds for immediate removal from the program.


  • Consequences of Misrepresentation: Engaging in misrepresentation, fraud, or any unethical conduct in connection with the Program will result in severe consequences. Help Create Families takes such matters seriously, and the consequences may include, but are not limited to:
    • Immediate removal from the Program.
    • Disqualification from receiving any compensation or benefits.
    • Legal actions as deemed necessary.
  • Reporting Misrepresentation: If you become aware of any Referral Partners or individuals engaging in misrepresentation or fraudulent activities related to the Program, it is your responsibility to report such activities to Help Create Families immediately.

We maintain a zero-tolerance policy for misrepresentation and fraud. We value integrity and honesty in all interactions with Help Create Families. By participating in the Program, you agree to abide by these principles and the prohibition against misrepresentation and fraud.

Your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of the Program is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at [email protected]

As an advocate representing Physician’s Surrogacy, whether you’re in person or online, it’s important for you to remain respectful and polite despite what response or negative comment you might receive. We understand negative feedback can be very frustrating, which is why we want to help you shut down these comments right from the start. By responding in a genuine and heartfelt manner, rather than letting your emotions get to you, you have the opportunity to help someone understand the WHY behind advocacy. Try some of these responses next time you’re faced with a negative comment.

We recommend putting your own personal touch to all responses to sound organic and less prefabricated. The more you can bring in your own experiences or personal reasons for choosing advocacy, the better! 

If at any point you feel stuck or are unsure how to respond, don’t hesitate to text the Coordinator (858-295-0848) a screenshot, “Hey can you help me respond to this comment? What should I say?” Don’t be embarrassed! We know it happens and would love to help navigate you out of a sticky situation. We’re here to help!

Common Negative Comments and Examples of How To Respond:

When appropriate, try opening your responses with an empathy statement. We’ve provided some examples below:

  • I understand where you’re coming from…
  • I understand why you might feel that way…

Some of the partners in the program, but not all, are current or former surrogates and donors. Some have dealt with infertility themselves or know someone personally who has. Although I have not personally been a surrogate or egg donor, what we all have in common is that we are dedicated to raising awareness about infertility and its solutions. I believe everyone should know about the opportunity to help a family become whole.


(If you have a personal connection) let them know that this is why you are advocating.


  • But I was told I wasn’t able to have a child, but then by some miracle, I was able to…I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like without my child
  • But my daughter has struggled with infertility
  • This was one of the main reasons why I wanted to become a Surrogate Partner because I’ve seen the other side of it. As someone who has (had family members or personal connections), I can understand the frustrations of couples who want so badly to have a child of their own but can’t. This program allows me to advocate for these people, some of whom are very close to me.

I understand your perspective, but part of my role as a Partner is educating and debunking common misconceptions about surrogacy and egg donation. We do not believe women are just baby machines and instead believe they should be celebrated and rewarded for their selfless sacrifice. 

As a Partner, I create awareness about infertility and the need for surrogates and egg donors. Interested candidates then self-select and reach out to find more details.

I understand you feel that way and I appreciate the feedback. It wasn’t my intention for the message to be misinterpreted. Women are all different. Some are drawn to the emotional, inspirational, or financial rewards of a surrogacy or egg donation journey. Although compensation isn’t the only consideration when pursuing either of these journeys, we do believe our surrogates and egg donors should be rewarded and celebrated for their selfless sacrifice.

As a Partner, my goal is to spread awareness and educate others about infertility statistics and the need for surrogates and egg donors. Many people are unaware of the contribution they could make to a family.

– Example for a Mom Group:

As a mom, you understand the joy that comes from parenthood and can only imagine what your life would be like without being blessed with your child. Unfortunately, 1 in 8 couples struggle with infertility and this doesn’t include individuals or same-sex couples who are unable to achieve their dreams of creating a family on their own. Not everyone can be a donor or surrogate, but everyone can help spread awareness about infertility and its solutions.

Although compensation is one aspect of every job, it’s not the main reason why I’m advocating.

This is not my only means of income, I consider this my service work and donate anything I earn to my local community resource center that provides services to single mothers and children.

I wish there were as many of us, as there are people struggling with infertility. 1 in 8 couples in the U.S. struggles with infertility. Before today, did you know there were that many people? This doesn’t even include singles, individuals, or same-sex couples who wish to complete their dream of a family.

While I can spread awareness on my own, this is the organization I have chosen to advocate for based on their integrated facility which makes for a seamless process for surrogacy and egg donors, as well as their medical professionals who ensure the best medical care.