How Social Media Helps in Network Marketing

As the name suggests, social network marketing is a kind of marketing that’s carried out on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and like. And there are various ways to network marketers can use this technique to reach new prospects. Since social media platforms are open to everybody, businesses have the chance to monitor the customer’s activities or potential customers. This enables marketers to know more about their target audience, their interests, likes, and dislikes, so they can develop a more effective strategy to gain more customers.

Brands can use social media as a marketing tool to increase their visibility and reach as it helps create a two-way connection with potential customers. It can also help you achieve success in your business if used the right way.

List of Social Media Platforms and Their Usage

We’ve compiled below a list of social media platforms that can help you manage your networking marketing business, engage with your target audience, and attract new potential customers.

1. Facebook

Although Facebook is reportedly becoming less popular amongst young people, it is still the number one social media platform for network marketing and number one where it matters- with a larger number of customers who have money to buy products. Facebook currently has over 1.1 billion users from all around the world. And it allows you to create personal and corporate pages and support a wide range of video, written, and promotional content. Hence, developing an effective Facebook marketing strategy can help you succeed in your network marketing business.

Facebook seems to have more females than males, and both use social search to know more about products and services and receive recommendations. Facebook users take part in surveys and polls and respond well to ads. Besides, the advertisements on Facebook are well-targeted and are less expensive to run compared to using the Google AdSense network. So, the best way to grow your audience and keep in touch with them is by taking advantage of the free and paid marketing opportunities that Facebook has to offer. To get the most out of Facebook, you need to create an optimized business page, use a good photograph as a profile picture, and include a call action to direct people to your product website.

This is an excellent marketing strategy to employ when trying to increase your social media presence as a network marketer.

2. Instagram

Instagram is another popular social media network, and its number of users seems to be increasing by the day. It is one of the best platforms to grow your customer base organically without spending on ads. Instagram appears to have more female users than male users, most of whom are 18 to 34 years old. Hence, if your target audience is younger women, then Instagram is the place to be.

3. Twitter

Unlike Facebook and Instagram, Twitter is a male-dominated social media platform. In fact, the ratio of male to female users is 2 to 1, and the average age of those on Twitter is between 30 to 50 years of age. Twitter is a go-to place if your target audience is men aged 30 to 50.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular social media platform where people mainly share pictures. There are about 250 million people on Pinterest, 80 percent of which are women. Plus, most of the users are above 35 years of age. Pinterest is an image-based social platform where users pin images related to a particular product, service, or virtual pinboard about certain topics. They can also re-pin to share exciting content with those in their social circle.

According to studies, around 60 % of people on Pinterest have purchased a product based on the picture they saw on the platform. Research has also shown that female users tend to make the most purchases. Pinterest is definitely a website to check out if your network marketing products are visual, suitable for females, or if you want to venture into a women-dominated market.

5. LinkedIn

Unlike the social media platforms above, LinkedIn is specifically made for businessmen and women. It has about 255 million users, the majority of whom are women. LinkedIn is a great website to connect with people you already know and get business-to-business opportunities, especially if you’re in the retail business.

Recently, LinkedIn has started to offer advertising to help business owners generate leads, so you can use it to get people to join your email marketing list.

6. Snapchat

Snapchat is more popular among younger people. The majority of those on the platform are between 12 to 24 years old, and there are more females than males on Snapchat. Snapchat can be a great platform for network marketing if you are always online and understand how it works. Even if you don’t, you will be glad to know that it is less competitive than other social media networks. So, you have a high probability of being successful with Snapchat if you join and start creating interesting, high-quality content.

7. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is another social media platform that can be crucial to your brand. Although most people use it for texting and video calling, WhatsApp can also be used for business. WhatsApp Business was primarily made to help small business owners connect with their clients and them with instant, private customer service.

8. Reddit

Reddit is considered the “front page of the internet” since it focuses primarily on gathering news that’s making rounds on social media. The main functionality of the Reddit platform is that users (called Redditors) post content, and other users can upvote or downvote the content. And the popular threads are placed at the very top.

Those on Reddit can participate on the platform in any way they wish. They may treat it as a platform to read trendy news or register and comment on topics. Reddit is an exciting platform for social media marketers who like engaging with prospects and posting unique, valuable content.

9. YouTube

YouTube is the world’s number website for sharing videos and the third most popular website on the planet, only behind Google and Facebook. You can attract your target and engage with potential customers by posting videos on YouTube. Using YouTube can help place your video high in Google search rankings since both websites are owned by the same company.

If you’re the shy type and don’t wish to make a live video or are not good at editing, you can create a slideshow with pictures and share it as a Youtube video.

How to Grow Your Social Media Engagement

Social media marketing has become a way for many businesses to grow their brand. If done appropriately, it can increase brand awareness, help gain new customers, and raise the company’s revenue. Below are some tips to increase engagement on social media.

Post Regularly on Popular Social Media Platforms

The key to growing your social media engagement is to be consistent. You won’t get the desired results if you only post occasionally. Figure out the leading platforms where your target audience hangs out and make a content calendar. Sharing several posts regularly is the only way to retain your follower’s interest and bring new people to your page. If you think posting every day on several social media accounts will be overwhelming, there’s a social media scheduling tool that can help. Scheduling your posts will help ensure that all your social media profiles are updated and active in the eyes of your target audience.

Share Lots Of Video Content

Video has been the most common type of content on popular social media platforms in the past couple of years. And this is because people like watching videos, be it TikTok, Youtube shorts, or Instagram reels. So, try to create some kind of video content for your brand if you are able to. This will enable you to get more exposure and gain new audiences. Since algorithms tend to favor this kind of content, your posts will be seen by those who are not your followers and may be interested in your video.

Do Giveaways and Contests

Running contests and giveaways are an excellent way to make social media users react to your posts, follow you, and invite others to your page. It is a good strategy to increase social media engagement and arouse people’s interest in what you have to offer.

When holding a contest, you need to make sure that the rewards are relevant to your brand to be able to turn your followers into customers at a later time.

Listen And Reply To Your Community

The main reason for taking your marketing to social media is to build a large community of people that believes in your brand. And to achieve that, you have to show your followers your human side and not just be posting about your products or services. It’s important to provide your social media followers with a great user experience by replying to their questions quickly. Respond to all comments and DMs that you get. Technology has even made it possible to engage with your target audience live and direct.

You may also bring up a discussion by posting interactive stories, conducting a poll, hosting a question and answer session, requesting suggestions or feedback, etc. When your online community feels that they are acknowledged, there is a higher chance that they will become your social media ambassadors and direct more people to your profile.

Partner With Influencers

One of the quickest ways to increase brand awareness and reach a large audience is through influencer marketing. Look for influencers who best align with your product, mission, and company and collaborate with them. The influencers don’t need to have hundreds of millions of followers. You can enter a partnership with macro and even nano influencers because they usually have more engaged followers. When influencers advertise your products, you will probably get followers who like your offerings and eventually become paying customers.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Being Funny

Who does not like a little bit of humor? If you think posting funny content or memes will affect how people see your brand, then you need to know that introducing a little humor won’t hurt but rather help you get more business. Your target audience will surely like funny content they can relate to. They are going to share it often, and the post may even become popular within a limited time. Aside from posting funny pictures, you may also consider following trends if they won’t harm your brand image. This type of content reveals the human side behind your brand and brings about a feel-good reaction. Find out what your target audiences like and embrace your quirkiness accordingly to get more engagement.

Know The Time Your Audience Is Active

There is no point in sharing content whether nobody is online to see or interact with it. Every social media platform has specific timings when users are actively going through their feeds. So, you have to be strategic about when you publish each post on your profile. Thankfully, each social media network offers its own analytics that can give you an idea of when your followers are active online.

Once you have gathered valuable data, you can then do A/B tests to see the engagement you get at different timings. Tools such as RecurPost can help you do it if you think that will be a lot of work. It is a social media content scheduler that allows you to automatically schedule for a specified time. Posting your content at the right timings will enable the maximum number of people to see it, and your engagement rates will go up.

Those are the best way to grow your social media engagement. Concentrate on producing consistent, valuable content and share things that will draw the right people to your profile. Stay active, embrace change, follow some trends, and continue engaging with your audience so that they have your brand on their minds!


As a network marketer, you can achieve many great things with social media. The good news is that it’s completely free (in most cases) and simple to use. It is important to ensure that you make the most use of social media to grow your network marketing business! Anyone can take advantage of the potential of social media in Network Marketing! It can be an effective and invaluable tool for your business if used the right way.

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